Image: Damen
Image: Damen

Welcome to Naval Architecture Week!

Without naval architects the world's ships and boats would be less safe, less economical, more expensive, more polluting and uglier. Naval architects are an essential component of the wider global maritime industry.

Of course, as with all professions, naval architects have occasionally failed but, overall, they contribute enormously to the continuing development and improvement of the world fleet. For anyone interested in matters maritime, their work is fascinating.

Naval architecture is a somewhat arcane activity. While it requires the highest of higher mathematics, it remains almost as much an art as a science. That is a curious combination that is rarely found.

Reading maritime history, as I like to do, it is inspiring to learn of the constant improvements in ships and boats that have been wrought by naval architects over the millennia. In my own, now admittedly rather lengthy, lifetime those developments have been very exciting, and profitable, in almost every field of maritime endeavour.

Design • Testing • Analysis • Software • Engineering

From years of reader surveys, we are well aware that our readers are equally fascinated with developments in ship design. They always appreciate our vessel reviews and design announcements and complain loudly when we fail to produce enough of them.

There doesn't seem much danger of that happening. Even in the current Covid-19-addled times, there are still numerous new vessels being designed and built. We regularly find about six new ships or boats every day. We present something on all those we are able to find worthwhile information on.

These cover the full range of sizes and types of vessels from the smallest work, patrol and fishing boats to the largest tankers, bulkers and warships. They are all interesting in their own ways. And, the more complex, the more fascinating they are. Warships, ferries, tugs and OSVs continue to lead the way in that respect.

Baird Maritime and its predecessor magazines have always focused on vessel designs, shipbuilding and equipment. We always will do as our readers demand. We trust you enjoy and benefit from this now regular feature.

Vessel Reviews:

News and Gear:

Remember to come back every day to see the latest news, opinion and vessel reviews!

Call for content!

Any news or views about the global maritime tourism, ferry and cruise industries? Send it through to ASAP (between now and July 10), so we can add it to this current edition of Naval Architecture Week!

We are after:

  • Vessels – Orders, new deliveries, under construction
  • Gear – Latest innovations and technology in the naval architecture sector
  • Interviews – Owners, operators, designers, builders etc.
  • Reminiscences – Do you have any exciting, amusing or downright dangerous anecdotes from your time in the naval architecture world? (example here)
  • Other – Any other relevant news

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Baird Maritime / Work Boat World