London Olympics – Maritime Aspects

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The London Olympics has generated a lot of action on the maritime front.

Moored on the River Thames at Greenwich is the 22,000 tonne British Royal Navy helicopter carrier 'HMS Ocean', acting as headquarters and communications hub for the Olympic military security contingent, as well as providing a base for naval and army Lynx helicopters.

The helicopters, carrying counter-sniping teams, carry out regular surveillance sweeps along the river. Meanwhile small craft, including armoured inshore fire support craft of the Royal Marines, back up the Targa patrol boats, and Delta Power ribs, of the Metropolitan Police on river patrol duties.

Furthermore, the Docklands riverside area, abutting London's prime financial services district, is currently crowded with an unprecedented gathering of some 30 superyachts. Their wealthy owners and their guests are using the vessels as secure accommodation and entertainment centres. Attracting much attention is Microsoft billionaire Paul Allen's 126 metre, leisure submarine-equipped 'Octopus'.

Also prominent is Westfield Group chairman Frank Lowy's 74 metre 'Ilona'.

Trevor Hollingsbee

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