The contract for the Fehmarnbelt Fixed Link tunnel to connect Denmark and Germany has been finalised – subject to environmental approval from German authorities expected in 2017.
The joint project will be carried out by Van Oord, Boskalis and Femern, a subsidiary of the Danish state-owned Sund and Bælt Holding.
Boskalis together with Van Oord will dredge a tunnel trench in the seabed over a distance of 16 kilometres using equipment including trailing suction hopper dredgers, backhoes and grab dredgers.
In total, approximately 19 million cubic metres of stone and sand will be excavated from the seabed to create the longest immersed rail and road tunnel in the world.
The dredged material will be reused to create a new recreational nature reserve area on the Danish side of the Fehmarnbelt. This will be used to establish approximately three square kilometres of new natural areas on Lolland and on Fehmarn.