From Baird Maritime
The author maintains that "Over the past century four 'new horsemen of the apocalypse' have been created". They are "failed and failing government"; "economic despair, disparity and dislocation"; "radical ideologies and religious extremism"; and, finally, "environmental calamity and climate change".
A pretty unsavoury lot but it is hard to argue with them. The assassinations in Sarajevo led inexorably to the First World War which was soon followed by the Second and then, immediately, by the Cold War. Even against the hope and promise of the EU, Europe looks increasingly shaky in both the political and economic senses. Worse, Vladimir Putin's risky antics raise the danger level dramatically. Could Athens or Kiev, for example, be the next Sarajevo?
The author has produced a highly plausible case. He is completely correct in trying to warn the world of the danger that such unfinished business presents. A thorough professional in both the military and diplomatic fields, his unsensational advice should be heeded.
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