Nippon Yusen Kabushiki Kaisha (NYK), together with the Mitsubishi Corporation (MC) and the Tokyo Electric Power Company (TEPCO), last week announced their participation in Australia's Wheatstone LNG project, which is being promoted by the United States-based Chevron Corporation and other companies in Australia.
The consortium of NYK, MC, and TEPCO has obtained equity interests in the project (gas fields: 10%, LNG plant: 8%) through a newly established special-purpose company called PE Wheatstone (PEW), which is headquartered in Perth, Western Australia. PEW will lift a certain volume of LNG in the project in proportion to its equity interest.
The project is led and operated by Chevron, and construction work is in progress with the aim of starting LNG production from the end of 2016. The project will produce 8.9 million tonnes per annum (mtpa) of LNG. TEPCO executed two Heads of Agreements with Chevron in December 2009 to acquire an equity interest in and purchase approximately 3.1 mtpa of LNG from the project.
However, after the Great East Japan Earthquake in March 2011, TEPCO faced difficulties participating in the project on its own, and given the importance of securing stable energy resources for Japan, TEPCO made a proposal to MC and NYK to jointly participate in light of TEPCO's financial constraints. MC and NYK, which have a long-term relationship through joint ownership and operation of LNG carriers, respectively decided to participate after conducting detailed analyses of technologies, legal matters, finance, and economics.
The consortium believes that participation in the project will contribute to the stable supply of energy to Japan. Based on this belief, it has applied to Japan Oil, Gas and Metals National Corporation (JOGMEC) for application of its finance support system in order to secure valuable energy resources through public-private cooperation. Following examination by JOGMEC, the project was approved as eligible for equity financing and a loan guarantee. In addition, the consortium is now discussing support finance with private-sector banks and the Japan Bank for International Cooperation (JBIC).
By participating in the project, approximately 0.7 mtpa of LNG, PEW's equity share of production, will be supplied to TEPCO. Including the approximate 3.1 mtpa TEPCO secured through Sale and Purchase Agreements (SPA) with Chevron and others in July 2011 and another 0.4 mtpa TEPCO secured through an SPA with Chevron today, approximately 4.2 mtpa of LNG will be supplied to TEPCO in total from the project.
Competition is increasing globally to secure energy resources, with natural gas in growing demand as a clean energy resource. Under these circumstances, today's participation has profound meaning as a move by Japanese energy-related companies to secure energy resources with government support.
The final investment decision on the project was made in September 2011. The project will be an important supply source for Japan in securing stable LNG supplies in view of the low construction and operational risk since the project is operated by Chevron, which has extensive experience in Australia, a geopolitically advantageous country. NYK, together with MC and TEPCO, will leverage each company's know-how and expertise in the LNG value chain from upstream to downstream (exploration & production, liquefaction, transportation and delivery) to establish a highly reliable LNG supply system in order to contribute to the stable and long-term supply of energy resources to Japan.