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Stena Carron 7db1eee65fa968c31ff53cb26afa88d2

Hess begins drilling activities offshore Guyana

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Hess Corporation has begun drilling on the Haimara-1 exploration well offshore Guyana, the first of two planned exploration wells in January.

Stena Carron (pictured) is currently drilling the Haimara-1 well, located 31 kilometres east of the Pluma-1 discovery in the southeastern part of the Stabroek Block.

Noble Tom Madden will drill the second well, Tilapia-1, located five kilometres west of the Longtail-1 discovery. The Tilapia-1 well is located in the growing Turbot area.

Operator ExxonMobil is progressing the Liza Phase 1 development, which has moved into its peak execution phase ahead of expected startup in early 2020. Drilling of development wells in the Liza field is continuing using Noble Bob Douglas.

Baird Maritime / Work Boat World