The US Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) New England District has proposed to perform maintenance dredging of the Annisquam River Federal navigation project (FNP) in Gloucester, Massachusetts.
The proposed work involves maintenance dredging of portions of the 2.4-metre-deep mean lower low water (MLLW) channel and anchorage, plus authorised overdepth dredging in the Annisquam River FNP.
A private contractor, under contract to the government, will use a mechanical dredger and scows to remove the material and then transport it for placement at the Ipswich Bay Nearshore Disposal Site (IBNDS) and the Gloucester Historic Disposal Site (GHDS).
Approximately 101,000 cubic metres of sandy material will be placed at the IBNDS and the remaining 5,700 cubic metres of sand and gravel material will go to the GHDS.
Construction is expected to take between three and four months beginning on October 1 of this year.