Push for community involvement in Coral Sea talks

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The SEAfish for Justice group, a network comprised of fishermen, nongovernmental organizations and related community members, has emphasised the need for more fishing community involvement in the Coral Triangle Initiative (CTI).

As the Coral Sea area is currently under close scrutiny by international bodies and pressure to establish a no-take marine park, the CTI is formed by a group of regional nations including Indonesia, Papua New Guinea and the Solomon Islands.

SEAfish for Justice has pushed for a much greater involvement by affected parties in the World Ocean Conference and the CTI summit, to ensure guaranteed access and control over fisheries and coastal resources to small scale fishers and coastal communities.

The organization's website uses the principles of "common but differentiated responsibilities" and "the concept of ecological debt" to also argue for the nature of developing countries' economies to be taken into account before decisions are made regarding fisheries in the Coral Sea.

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