VESSEL REVIEW | Kapitan Aleksandrov – New crab boat to operate in Russia’s Far East

Photo: Russian Crab Group of Companies
Photo: Russian Crab Group of Companies
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Russia's Onega Shipbuilding and Ship Repair Plant has handed over the first in a new series of fishing vessels ordered by the Russian Crab Group of Companies. Classed by the Russian Maritime Register of Shipping, Kapitan Aleksandrov is named in honour of Georgiy Ivanovich Aleksandrov, a Soviet naval officer and fishing boat captain recognised for his role in the development of the crab fishery in what is now Russia's Far East.

Designed for catching and transporting live crab, Kapitan Aleksandrov vessel has a length of 57.7 metres, a beam of 12.6 metres, accommodations for 24 crewmembers, and a hold encompassing two decks. The fishing deck itself is noticeably large to accommodate an array of equipment. The deck offers an increase in area of approximately 65 per cent compared to the fishing decks on other Russian crab boats that are also operating in the Far East fishery basin.

<em>Photo: Russian Crab Group of Companies</em>
Photo: Russian Crab Group of Companies

The hold itself is equipped with 32 isolated tanks with a total capacity of approximately 440 cubic metres, allowing the transport of 110 to 120 tonnes of catch. Each tank is supplied with equipment for controlling the temperature, salinity, and oxygen levels in the water to ensure at least 98 per cent of product preservation. The condition of the crabs and the water in the tanks is continuously monitored, and all pertinent data can be digitally accessed by the crew in the bridge or by personnel from shore.

The 1,620kW main engine is fitted with improved environmental safety indicators and can propel the vessel to speeds of up to 12.6 knots. Alternatively, more economical cruising will allow the vessel to stay out at sea for 40 days.

Even if the engine is not functioning properly, a back-up electric propulsion system will guarantee that the vessel stays afloat. The Ice2 ice class of the hull and machinery will enable the vessel's safe operation in the cold waters of the Far East.

Kapitan Aleksandrov's main operating areas will include the Bering Sea, the Sea of Okhotsk, and the Sea of Japan.

Some of our readers have expressed disquiet at our publication of reviews and articles describing new vessels from Russia. We at Baird Maritime can understand and sympathise with those views. However, despite the behaviour of the country's leaders, we believe that the maritime world needs to learn of the latest developments in vessel design and construction there.

Kapitan Aleksandrov
Type of vessel:Crab fishing vessel
Classification:Russian Maritime Register of Shipping
Owner:Russian Crab Group of Companies
Builder:Onega Shipbuilding and Ship Repair Plant, Russia
Length overall:57.7 metres
Beam:12.6 metres
Capacity:120 tonnes
Main engine:1,620 kW
Side thruster:400 kW
Maximum speed:12.6 knots
Operational areas:Bering Sea; Sea of Okhotsk; Sea of Japan

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