AMSA bans Indian-flagged cargo ship for 180 days for failure to report engine defects

The Indian-flagged cargo vessel Darya Shaan at the Port of Melbourne, May 7, 2024 (Photo: Weigh)
The Indian-flagged cargo vessel Darya Shaan at the Port of Melbourne, May 7, 2024 (Photo: Weigh)
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The Australian Maritime Safety Authority (AMSA) has issued a 180-day ban on the Indian-flagged bulk carrier Darya Shaan after its operator took repeated risks with the safety of the crew, the vessel, and the Australian marine environment by not reporting serious defects to the main engine and machinery whilst the ship entered Australian ports.

AMSA inspectors attended the ship at Port of Melbourne on April 26, 2024 and found multiple maintenance issues on board.

The issues included defective main engine control and monitoring systems, a faulty engine room alarm monitoring system, defective starting arrangements for two generators, a failure to maintain the ship after survey as evidenced by 19 deficiencies, and a safety management system that fails to ensure the ship is maintained and that defects are reported appropriately.

AMSA said it is aware that the operator, Anglo-Eastern Ship Management (India), was notified of "serious safety concerns" prior to arrival in Australia.

AMSA Executive Director of Operations Michael Drake said these defects posed a significant risk to the Australian marine environment and the safety of Darya Shaan's crew.

Mr Drake added that AMSA had noticed an increase in main engine defects in recent years and had been taking action on substandard vessels. The authority therefore advises ship operators to read Marine Notice 10/2022 to be reminded of their responsibilities.

Mr Drakes said that if Anglo Eastern had complied with its obligations and reported the defects, AMSA would not have detained the vessel under port state control procedures.

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