Abalone species shell side up
Abalone species shell side upDPIRD

Greenlip abalone remains off limits in southern no-take zone off WA

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Sustainability concerns for greenlip abalone along the Western Australian coast between Busselton Jetty and Shoal Cape west of Esperance triggered closure of recreational fishing for this species last season.

This action was required to address low juvenile recruitment following past marine heatwave events and the closure will remain for the coming Southern Zone recreational abalone fishing season which begins on October 1.

Commercial fishing for greenlip abalone is also not allowed in the no-take zone.

Recreational abalone fishers will be able to collect up to five brownlip abalone and up to 20 Roe’s abalone per fisher per day throughout the entire Southern Zone during the 2024/25 season between October 1 and May 15.

Fisheries research scientists at the Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development (DPIRD) undertake annual assessments of greenlip abalone stocks and fishing for this species will not resume in the no-take zone until there’s an appropriate level of stock recovery.

Regional Compliance South Director Noel Chambers said Fisheries and Marine Officers would be doing both land-based and sea patrols to ensure fishers were following the rules.

Recreational fishing for greenlip abalone is permitted from east of Shoal Cape to the WA/SA border, which is outside the no-take zone.

Fishers are reminded the minimum size limit for greenlip and brownlip abalone is 140 mm and a combined daily bag limit of five greenlip and/or brownlip abalone applies. For recreational fishers catching Roe’s abalone across the Southern Zone, the species has a minimum size limit of 60 mm and a daily bag limit of 20 per fisher.

Baird Maritime / Work Boat World